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Maira Profiles

GPT Profiles is a unique and powerful feature offered by Maira. When building a smart application or a customized GPT using Maira, this feature allows you to define the purpose, personality, response instructions, and other key settings. These settings will then be considered along with the context of your prompt.

You can create multiple profiles and switch between them as necessary. Below, we will explore this feature in more detail.

Note that you must have at least one profile to use Maira. You also have to define a default profile, which will be used if you do not pass a profile_id with any of your prompt. As you go through this document, this concepts will be more clear.

Create a new Profile

After creating a new project, you will be taken to the project "Setup" page, till you finish the initial setup of the project. This setup has three steps:

  1. Profile setup
  2. Dataset Upload
  3. Dataset Training

In this section, we will focus on the first step i.e "Profile" setup.

First Navigate to Maira solutions page and click on your project.


You will land in the below "Setup" step, where you have to create your first "Profile". Find the description of each parameter below


  • Name: Give a name to your profile, so that admins can easily understand its purpose.
  • Intro: This is a unique Maira feature. This is for mode setting and set general instructions for the Bot.
    • Example Intro: Please answer the query in the same language as the query using the provided context as truthfully as possible. You are an expert on fashion industry and company ABC, a company selling sustainable designer cloths.
  • System: This is a LLM feature and is used to set a persona or for rule-setting of the bot. The purpose here is to setup specific persona or rules in answer generation.
    • Example System: Your answers should be concise and clear. Always remain neutral and polite in your responses. When asked for suggestions, provide a balance of options based on logic and fairness. Avoid giving subjective opinions unless explicitly requested. Always ask a followup question.
  • Model: You can select the GPT model you want to use based on your needs from the dropdown. Please consider the purpose and the estimated token count when selecting the model, as this can significantly impact costs. You can learn more about OpenAI models from this page. This setting will impact the parameters search_max_token (tokens allocated for data sent to the model) and completion_token (tokens allocated for the reply). Note that intro, system, and query have token costs that are not included in the token size allocation. The selected model's CONTEXT WINDOW should cover the total token allocation. That is CONTEXT WINDOWsearch_max_token + completion_token + intro + system + query.
  • Temperature: The range of temperature is between 0-2. A lower temperature (closer to 0) makes the output more deterministic and focused, meaning the model will choose more likely words. A higher temperature (closer to 2) makes the output more random and creative, with a wider range of word choices.
  • top_p: An alternative to sampling with temperature, top_p also known as nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered.
    • If top_p = 0.9, the model will consider only the top 90% of the probability mass for its next word selection, filtering out the less likely options.
    • Lower top_p values make the output more deterministic, while higher values make it more diverse.
  • Frequency Penalty: A parameter that reduces the likelihood of the model repeating the same tokens in its output. It penalizes frequent token usage, encouraging more diverse word choices.
    • If frequency_penalty = 0.0, there is no penalty, and the model is free to repeat tokens.
    • Higher frequency_penalty values make the model less likely to repeat words, promoting more variation in the output.
  • Presence Penalty: Default=0.0, ge=0.0, le=2.0. A parameter that encourages the model to introduce new tokens by penalizing tokens that have already appeared in the output. This drives the model to use less common or new words.
  • Stop: AI or Human
  • Search Max Token: This is the number of tokens allocated for data sent to the model. Default 2500 for gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 and 5000 for others. When search max token 0, GAIP will completely ignore internal database.
  • Completion Tokens: Default=2000, example=2500. This is the number of tokens allocated for the reply
  • Chat History Length: The number of past conversations retained as context for submission to GPT.
  • Is Personalizer Only: Is this profile for personalizer use only, default value False
    • Learn more This parameter impacts the context sent to Maira. If "is_personalizer_only": true then all dataset uploaded through datasets endpoints will be ignored, restricting the context to product catalog only. When "is_personalizer_only": false, then both Maira dataset and item catalog of personalizer will be used for context
  • Is Auto Evaluation: Determines weather the conversation evaluation run automatically after each conversation. (We will cover evaluation in detail in the Evaluation Tutorial). This is an optional field. Please note that evaluation is resource intensive, and can be run manually via another endpoint (Covered in the Evaluations tutorial).
  • Dataset Tags: Which dataset tags should be included or excluded from context building. If not provided, then all datasets are considered for context building (We have talked about adding tags to dataset in the "dataset management" tutorial)
    • Include: Tags to include in context generation, all datasets beyond these tags are excluded
    • Exclude: Tags to exclude in context generation, all datasets beyond these tags are included

Once initial setup is completed, you can see a list of all your profiles in the "Profiles" table

profiles list table

From this page, you can create a new profile by clicking on the "CREATE PROFILE" button or edit or delete an existing profile with the button in the "Actions" column.

edit or create profile

To create a new Profile, use the endpoint POST /v1/gpt/profiles. Here is an sample request below:

  "name": "Give a meaningful name to the profile",
  "intro": "Describe your context format and expected output format.",
  "system": "Set the personality of the GPT.",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125",
  "temperature": 0,
  "top_p": 1,
  "frequency_penalty": 0,
  "presence_penalty": 0,
  "stop": [
  "response_format": "json_object",
  "search_max_token": 2500,
  "completion_token": 2500,
  "vision_settings": {
    "resolution": "low or high. default is low",
    "is_image_context_enabled": true
  "chat_history_length": 3,
  "is_personalizer_only": false,
  "dataset_tags": {
    "includes": [
    "excludes": [
  "is_auto_evaluation": false

Let's go through each parameters

  • name: str - Give a name to your profile, so that admins can easily understand its purpose.
  • intro: str - This is a unique Maira feature. This is for mode setting and set general instructions for the Bot.
    • Example Intro: Please answer the query in the same language as the query using the provided context as truthfully as possible. You are an expert on fashion industry and company ABC, a company selling sustainable designer cloths.
  • system: str - This is a LLM feature and is used to set a persona or for rule-setting of the bot. The purpose here is to setup specific persona or rules in answer generation.
    • Example System: Your answers should be concise and clear. Always remain neutral and polite in your responses. When asked for suggestions, provide a balance of options based on logic and fairness. Avoid giving subjective opinions unless explicitly requested. Always ask a followup question.
  • model: str - You can select the GPT model you want to use based on your needs. Please consider the purpose and the estimated token count when selecting the model, as this can significantly impact costs. You can learn more about OpenAI models from this page. This setting will impact the parameters search_max_token (tokens allocated for data sent to the model) and completion_token (tokens allocated for the reply). Note that intro, system, and query have token costs that are not included in the token size allocation. The selected model's CONTEXT WINDOW should cover the total token allocation. That is CONTEXT WINDOWsearch_max_token + completion_token + intro + system + query.

    • Select the model, your Possible values are gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613, gpt-3.5-turbo-1106, gpt-4-0613, gpt-4-1106-preview, gpt-4-0125-preview, gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09, gpt-4o-2024-05-13, gpt-4-vision-preview, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18, gpt-4o-2024-08-06
  • temperature: Optional[float] - Default=0.0, ge=0.0, le=2.0. A lower temperature (closer to 0) makes the output more deterministic and focused, meaning the model will choose more likely words. A higher temperature (closer to 2) makes the output more random and creative, with a wider range of word choices.

  • top_p: Optional[float] - Default=1.0, ge=0.0, le=1.0. An alternative to sampling with temperature, Also known as nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered.
    • If top_p = 0.9, the model will consider only the top 90% of the probability mass for its next word selection, filtering out the less likely options.
    • Lower top_p values make the output more deterministic, while higher values make it more diverse.
  • frequency_penalty: Optional[float] - Default=0.0, ge=0.0, le=2.0. A parameter that reduces the likelihood of the model repeating the same tokens in its output. It penalizes frequent token usage, encouraging more diverse word choices.
    • If frequency_penalty = 0.0, there is no penalty, and the model is free to repeat tokens.
    • Higher frequency_penalty values make the model less likely to repeat words, promoting more variation in the output.
  • presence_penalty: Optional[float] - Default=0.0, ge=0.0, le=2.0. A parameter that encourages the model to introduce new tokens by penalizing tokens that have already appeared in the output. This drives the model to use less common or new words.
  • stop: List[str] - Example=["AI:", "Human:"]
  • response_format: Optional[str] - What is the expected response format, supported formats are json_format and text. If json_format is selected, your intro or system must contain the word "json" somewhere.
  • search_max_token: Optional[int] - This is the number of tokens allocated for data sent to the model. Default 2500 for gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 and 5000 for others. When search max token 0, GAIP will completely ignore internal database.
  • completion_token: Optional[int] - Default=2000, example=2500. This is the number of tokens allocated for the reply
  • vision_settings: Optional[Dict] - Required for vision models
    • vision_settings.resolution: If resolution is high, it will cost more but gives more accuracy in result, low is the opposite.
    • vision_settings.is_image_context_enabled: true means we will send images as context along with text context to the LLM. false means only text context/reference is used.
  • chat_history_length: Optional[int] - The number of past conversations retained as context for submission to GPT.
  • is_personalizer_only: Optional[bool] - Is this profile for personalizer use only, default value False

    • Learn more This parameter impacts the context sent to Maira. If "is_personalizer_only": true then all dataset uploaded through datasets endpoints will be ignored, restricting the context to product catalog only. When "is_personalizer_only": false, then both Maira dataset and item catalog of personalizer will be used for context
  • dataset_tags: Optional[Dict] - Which dataset tags should be included or excluded from context building. If not provided, then all datasets are considered for context building (We have talked about adding tags to dataset in the "dataset management" tutorial)

    • dataset_tags.include: Optional[list[str]] - Tags to include in context generation, all datasets beyond these tags are excluded
    • dataset_tags.exclude: Optional[list[str]] - Tags to exclude in context generation, all datasets beyond these tags are included
  • is_auto_evaluation: Optional[bool] - Determines weather the conversation evaluation run automatically after each conversation. (We will cover evaluation in detail in the Evaluation Tutorial). This is an optional field. Please note that evaluation is resource intensive, and can be run manually via another endpoint (Covered in the Evaluations tutorial).

Example request body

Here is an example request body below, using which you can hit the profile and make a test Maira Profile (with the mandatory parameters only).

  "name": "My first test profile",
  "intro": "Reply concisely and objectively in a easy to read and polite way",
  "system": "You are a bot to support my work",
  "model": "gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18",
  "temperature": 0,
  "top_p": 1,
  "frequency_penalty": 0,
  "presence_penalty": 0,
  "stop": [
  "search_max_token": 2500,
  "completion_token": 2500,
  "vision_settings": {},
  "chat_history_length": 3,
  "is_personalizer_only": false,
  "dataset_tags": {
    "includes": [],
    "excludes": []
  "is_auto_evaluation": false

Successful response looks like this:

  "detail": {
    "response": "GPT profile created successfully",
    "profile_id": "cfe76e28-bef9-45c8-bf5b-1f4b0117b176",
    "name": "My first test profile"

The the profile_id is included un the response

View existing Profile

View all existing profiles

To view all existing profiles of a project, simply navigate to the "PROFILE" tab of your Project. There in the "Profiles" tab, you will see list of all your existing profiles.

navigate to project

list of profile

Use GET /v1/gpt/profiles for all existing profiles It takes below parameters:

  • start: Optional[int] - The starting index for profile retrieval (default is 0, minimum is 0).
  • size: Optional[int] - The number of profiles to retrieve (default is 10, minimum is 1).

The response includes the metadata of the profiles.

View details of a profile

To see the details of an existing profile, navigate to the "PROFILE" tab of your project and click on the Eye mark to see the detail of the profile.

see profile detail

Use GET /v1/gpt/profiles/{profile_id} to view the details of a specific profile. This takes the profile_id as the only parameter. The response will include the full detail of the specified profile.

Update a Profile

To update the an existing profile, navigate to the "PROFILE" tab of your project and click on the Pencil mark. A modal will open where you can edit the profile detail.

Edit profile detail

After update is done, click on the "UPDATE" button to confirm the changes and close the modal

Edit profile detail 2

To update and existing profile, use PUT /v1/gpt/profiles/{profile_id}. The request body and parameter details are same as above POST /v1/gpt/profiles. Please refer to that section.

Only difference here is that it will take the profile_id as a parameter, where you identify which profile you want to update.

Delete a Profile

To delete an existing profile, navigate to the "PROFILE" tab of your project and click on the Trash mark and confirm. Be aware that deleted profiles cannot be retrieved.

delete profile 1

delete profile 2

Use delete /v1/gpt/profiles/{profile_id} to delete an existing profile. This endpoint takes profile_id as a parameter, where you identify which profile you want to delete.