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Integration of Catalogue Information and User Behavior Data

This tutorial will cover how to integrate your catalogue information into GAIP and how to set up user behavior tracking and integrate with GAIP.

Catalogue information integration

Before proceeding with this step, make sure that mapping creation and the index creation is done.

There are two ways to import your catalogue information into GAIP using our endpoints.

  1. Upload you catalogue information as a CSV or JSON file using endpoint POST /v1/item/save.
  2. Fetch data from your API (or any external API) using endpoint POST /v1/item/save/remote.

Upload catalog as a CSV or JSON file

For uploading the data as a CSV file or JSON file, use the endpoints POST /v1/item/save. Simply upload the file and confirm the server response is success. I the response, a task_id will be included. Use this task_id to confirm the task was successful using the GET/v1/tasks/{task_id} endpoint.

Note that this will will fail, if the keys during the Mapping creation step does not match with the keys in the file, OR if the indices were not created successfully. It is ok to not map all the catalog keys to the mapper, but all the mapped keys must be present in the catalog.

Fetch item from external API

To fetch data from external API, use the POST /v1/item/save/remote endpoint.

Here is the expected request body

  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {
    "parameter_one": "value_one",
    "parameter_two": "value_two",
    "...": "..."
  "query_parameters": {
    "parameter_one": "value_one",
    "parameter_two": "value_two",
    "...": "..."
  "body_parameters": {
    "parameter_one": "value_one",
    "parameter_two": "value_two",
    "...": "..."
  "response_items_key": "Items",
  "response_item_key": "Item"

Lets go though the parameters:

  • url: Represents URL of the product details api from where you want to fetch items into recommender
  • method: Represents api method of the endpoint from which you want to fetch data into recommender.
  • headers: This is an optional parameter. Represents the meta data associated with api request and response.
  • query_parameters: This is an optional parameter. Represents the query parameter of api endpoint. It could be required to fetch data from external api otherwise you can keep it empty.
  • body_parameters: This is an optional parameter. Represents the body parameter of api endpoint. It could be required to fetch data from external api otherwise you can keep it empty.
  • response_items_key: Represents the key of response items which you want to fetch into recommender .
  • response_item_key: If you have multiple keys in response you can use the key from where you want to fetch items. It could be empty as well.

Now lets look at an example

  "url": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer your_token",
    "Accept": "application/json"
  "query_parameters": {
    "category": "electronics",
    "limit": "100"
  "body_parameters": {},
  "response_items_key": "products",
  "response_item_key": "product"

This request fetches electronics product data from an external API of an e-commerce shop, using a GET request, with headers and query parameters. The response is expected under the “products” key, with individual items identified by the “product” key for the recommender system.

After hitting either of the endpoint above to import your data into GAIP, you will get a task ID in the response. Use this task ID and use the endpoint GET v1/tasks/{task_id} to confirm the job was successful.

Fetch Specific Items in GAIP after import

You can search items by passing list of item ids to POST /v1/items/search endpoint. This endpoint will return the items with item details.

It is recommended to use this endpoint to confirm that the item catalogue is successfully imported into your project.

User behavior data collection integration

GAIP can collect different user behavior related information to optimize the recommendation for the user. Types of data collected are listed below with their endpoints.

Data type Endpoint
Product browsing: When user browse products. /v1/items/browse or /v1/items/browse/client
Product Purchase: When user purchase a product with its quantity. /v1/items/purchase or /v1/items/purchase/client
Rating: When a user rates a product. /v1/items/rating or /v1/items/rating/client
User: User information such as age, gender and other customized attributes depending on your website. /v1/users or /v1/users/client

You will find these endpoints listed in our Sandbox under section "User Data Collection". Please check the required parameters, value types and example request bodies for all the endpoints there.

There are three (3) ways to integrate user behavior data collection with GAIP:

  1. Google Tag Manager
  2. Server to server integration
  3. Client to server integration

You can also bulk upload user behavior data from the past. For that, please refer to Import user behavior data section.

Comparison of each approach

Approach GTM Server to Server Client to Server
Description Use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to collect data (User behavior) from your website and send it to GAIP. The data is captured in the backend server of your application and then sent to GAIP. The data is directly sent from your front end (Client side) to GAIP.
Pros Easy to implement, Minimum coding required, Flexible configuration More secure, Data integrity, Controlled environment Real-time data, Less server dependency
Cons Limited customization, need to have basic knowledge about GTM, Dependency on third-party service, Might not work for certain browsers and plugins like AdBlockers More complex to set up, potential latency, maintenance required Less secure, Potential for inconsistent data, dependency on client-side behavior

Below we will show the implementation of each approach.

BE ADVISED: The following is a general guideline, and it may vary across different websites, contingent upon the specific implementation of your website.

Google Tag manager

Prerequisite: Your website must have GTM setup. If you do not have GTM setup, you can easily do the setup by following the guidelines here.

If you are not familiar with basic GTM concepts, such as Tags, Triggers and Variables, please familiarize yourself first with these concepts before proceeding with this approach. You can find more resources related to this here.

Generating user ID

In our sandbox, Notice that in the user data collection endpoints, every endpoint has a parameter called user_id, and member_id. These are vital to identify each user so that you can personalize their experience. user_id is generated by GAIP for each user of your site. The endpoint to generate and user_id is GET /v1/users/generate/id. You can generate the user_id using GTM using below code. This code can be used with every Tag, which checks if there is a user_id and creates one if there is none.

// Function to get or generate 'gaip_user_id' using a function expression
var getGaipUser = function() {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    if (gaipUser !== null) {
    } else {
      var idHeaders = new Headers();
      idHeaders.append("project-key", "{{ YOUR_PROJECT_KEY_HERE }}");
      idHeaders.append("api-key", "{{ YOUR_API_KEY_HERE }}");
      fetch("", { headers: idHeaders })
      .then(function(response) {
        return response.json();
      .then(function(data) {
        localStorage.setItem('gaip_user_id', data.detail.response);

member_id can be set by you depending on how your site identifies unique users such as user ID, phone number, email address etc.

Collecting and sending user browsing data

Set up a variable to capture the product name/title/ID, when the user goes a product details page or clicks on a product to enlarge it or open a pop-up etc.

Set up a trigger so that the tag would fire when the user goes browses an item (Go to product detail page or quick view options etc.).

Create a custom HTML Tag with the above trigger and variable and put the below code in the tag.

Collecting and sending user purchase data

Set up a variable to capture the all the purchase detail, when the user makes a purchase. This could be from the purchase confirmation page etc.

Set up a trigger so that the tag would fire when the user make the purchase.

Create a custom HTML Tag with the above trigger to send the information to endpoint POST /v1/purchase or POST /v1/purchase/client

Collecting and sending user rating data

Setup variables to capture the product name/title/ID and the rating, when the user rates an item positively or negatively. We can also consider an item is positively rated when user adds the item to wishlist.

Set up a trigger for the tag to fire when the user rates a product.

Create a custom HTML Tag with the above trigger and variables to send the information to the endpoint POST /v1/rating or POST /v1/rating/client

Collecting and sending user data

Setup variable to capture the user information.

For this, the trigger could be setup up when the user logs or update their information.

Create a custom HTML Tag with the above trigger and variables to send the information to the endpoint POST /v1/user or POST /v1/user/client

Server to server integration

For server to server integration, you will need to generate Project key and API as mentioned in the credentials section.

User information

The below request path, takes user information, such as name, age, gender, address and saves them in the gaip database.

POST /v1/user

Here is an example request body

  "user_id": "a0cc6beb-2909-459b-be55-62196af78ce4",
  "member_id": "df3456tg-2909-459b-be55-62196afedf85",
  "user_info": {
    "address": "string",
    "gender": "integer --> 1 for male or 2 for female or 3 for others",
    "age": 25,
    "user_type": [
        "key_name1": "value1_value2",
        "separator": "_"
        "key_name2": "value3"

You can find the sample code for implementation here

Product browse

You can use the below endpoint to capture user browsing information and save them in GAIP database

POST /v1/items/browse

It takes user_id and item_id as required parameters.

Here is an example value of the request body

    "user_id": "a0cc6beb-2909-459b-be55-62196af78ce4",
    "member_id": "df3456tg-2909-459b-be55-62196afedf85",
    "item_id": "1000764491"

You can find sample code here

Product purchase

You can use the below endpoint to capture user's product purchase information and save them in GAIP database

POST /v1/purchase

It takes user_id, item_list which includes item_id, price, quantity for a specific item as required parameters.

Here is an example request body

    "user_id": "a0cc6beb-2909-459b-be55-62196af78ce4",
    "member_id": "df3456tg-2909-459b-be55-62196afedf85",
    "item_list": [
        "item_id": "1000757666",
        "price": 5000,
        "quantity": 1
        "item_id": "1000764491",
        "price": 400,
        "quantity": 7

You a find sample code for this implementation here

Product rating

You can use the below endpoint to capture user's product rating information and save them in GAIP database

POST /v1/rating

It takes user_id, item_id, and rating for the specific item as required parameters.

Here is a sample request body:

  "user_id": "a0cc6beb-2909-459b-be55-62196af78ce4",
  "member_id": "df3456tg-2909-459b-be55-62196afedf85",
  "item_id": "1000764491",
  "rating": "1"

You can find the sample code for this implementation here

If you want to save your data with bulk upload you can use above-mentioned endpoint.

Client to server integration

For client to server integration, you will need to generate client key as described in the Credentials sections. Once the client key is ready, you can directly send the request from your client side to GAIP, using the client key provided.

Note that while generating client key, you can add whitelisted domains, which whitelists the request origin. This is recommended to enhance security.

The rest of the implementation method is same as server to server integration.

Import user behavior data

Similar to data integration, all 4 kinds of user information (browse, purchase, rating, user) can be bulk uploaded. This could be useful if you already have this information from the past and want to import it into GAIP.

To import user behavior and user information in bulk, first you need to create mapper to match the keys with GAIP.

To create the mapper, the endpoints with the example request bodies can be found here in the gigalogy recommender page. You can also find the sample codes for mapper creation here in the API documentation page

Next we will use the below 4 endpoints to upload each category of data in bulk

You can find these endpoints with the example request bodies here. The sample code can be found here in the API documentation page